Usnea is a Lichen that grows on pristeen forest trees. It takes a long time for Usnea to grow and will not grow where there is pollution. It has a long history of medicinal use in Native American Medicine, European and Chinese medicine. Isolated usnic acid has been considered a potentially therapeutic agent especially during the past 50 years. In addition usnea also contains other organic acids including usnaric, thamnolic, lobaric, and stictinic acids, in small amounts. The plant body of usnea is used to make medicine. Usnea (Dolichousnea longissima)is used for weight loss, pain, fever, and wound healing, and to make phlegm easier to cough up. Usnea is also used directly on the skin for sore throat and for athlete's foot. It can be made into a tea, tincture, a salve, or ground to a powder. Some herbalists herald it as "Nature's Doxycycline" and as antibiotics can disrupt the flora of your intestinal tract, so too can Usnea. It is used specifically for Thyroid Cancers. When you use it internally, make sure you follow up with a good pre and probiotic to reestablish a healthy Microbiome in your intestinal system.
These claims have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is nt intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Made in a Cottage Food Operation not subject to Florida Food Safety Regulations.
source: 1) Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D, Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon