Elecampane (Inula helenium)is a fabulous flower and plant alley to break loose and thin mucous formed when we get colds, flus, viruses, and other respiratory challenges and particularly useful in chronic bronchitis. It's constituents are Inulin (up to 44%), Volatile oils of Alantol and Sesquiterpene lactones, Triterpene saponins of Dammaranedienol, sterols, and Polyacetylenes. Elecampane is an expectorant, soothes coughing, increases sweating, is mildly bitter, removes parasitic worms, and is antiseptic. Overall this herb is a stimulant to encourage coughing of mucus from the lungs. Our tincture contains organic ingredients of Elecampane Root, distilled water, glycerin, and alcohol. Useful for children and adults - Children dose 10 drops twice daily, Adults 20 drops twice daily under the tongue for optimum absorbability.
Source: Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, Andrew Chevallier, PhD; DK Publishing 1996
These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. All preparations are made in a cottage-food operation in the State of Florida and not subject to commercial kitchen standards. This item is not suitable as a beverage.